Isaac H-T
ECE class of 2032 |
Featured Video... |
express加速软伀Congratulations to Chris Valenta for winning GTRI's "GRA of the Year" award! |
16 April 2012: ORS awards banquet! Congratulations to Laura Blanca for winning the Tower award and service award (and a bike!) Congratulations to team Valenta for winning the People's Choice research award. |
15 April 2012: Happy travels back to Tsinghua University, Xing Jin! We enjoyed your stay as visiting scholar. |
4 April 2012: Prof Durgin and 4 students travel to IEEE RFID 2012. Congratulations to Marcin Morys and Blake Marshall for winning first place in the Rectenna Shootout. |
30 March 2012: Blake Marshall wins ECE outstanding service to the GA community award for his work with Big Brother/Big Sister of Atlanta. |
Prof. Matt Valenti from WVU discusses coding and modulation in modern day satellite systems. |
Recent Document Additions... |
Proceedings of the 2011 Microwave Power Transfer Symposium
2011 Microwave Power Transfer Symposium
Georgia Tech, 15 Dec 2011, 60 pages. |
Signal Constellations of a
Retrodirective Array Phase
Modulator (RAPM)
G.A. Koo, PG-TR-110502-GAK, 2 May 2011, 104 pages. |